Norfolk Wedding Photographer
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (1 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (2 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (3 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (4 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (5 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (6 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (7 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (8 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (9 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (10 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (11 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (12 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (13 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (14 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (15 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (16 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (17 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (18 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (19 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (20 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (21 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (22 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (23 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (24 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (25 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (26 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (27 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (28 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (29 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (30 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (31 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (32 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (34 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (33 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (35 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (36 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (37 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (40 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (39 of 42)
Rob Dodsworth Photography 2014-Assembly House Wedding Photography (42 of 42)
A gloriously sunshiny day for Bec and David's wedding in Norwich earlier this year. The wedding party gathered together or, if you will, assembled, at the appropriately named Assembly House in the City centre (see what I did there!). An intimate gathering of friends and family, the day was an absolute pleasure to be a part of! I have known Bec for a number of years and was thrilled to be asked to be her wedding photographer.It is commonly known that the time at which a Bride arrives for her wedding is her prerogative. Tradition dictates that she is usually a few minutes later than arranged. However, arriving with her dad, in a bright orange VW Campervan (provided by the guys at Retro Campers Norfolk), Bec was turned away by the wedding coordinator for arriving too early! One round trip later, Bec and her dad arrived back at the Assembly House and made their way to the ceremony. Bec looked absolutely stunning in her vintage dress and elegant floral garland in her hair (specially made by Bohemian Love Story for the big day) and judging by her expression upon seeing David for the first time that day, she was suitably impressed!The ceremony took place in the Pierce Room at the Assembly House which, decorated simply with a beautiful vase of 'country meadow' flowers on the registrars table, was flooded with sunlight and warmth. Following the ceremony drinks were had in the Grand Hall, beneath a magnificent crystal chandelier, before the wedding party travelled by bus to St Andrews Hall and took a short walk, over the Blackfriards Bridge, to The Last Wine Bar for drinks, speeches and the wedding breakfast.Table decorations and other adornments followed a low-key yet elegant style, using recycled jam jars, tea lights, meadow flowers and herbs to decorate the reception room. Handmade, hand-stamped place names let people know the seating arrangements. The speeches, meanwhile, took place in the wine bar. This was my one of my favourite parts of the day, aside from the hilarity of the speeches, the bar made it really easy for me to move around and take photographs of the wedding guests and speakers and really be part of the action.A small and intimate wedding with a whole lot of heart, I was made to feel really welcome and joined the party after hours. A huge thank you to Bec, David and their family and friends for inviting me to be a part of their special day - enjoy!By Rob Dodsworth